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To be entered into the competition to win a deck. This is not required.

Are you male or female?

Tell us about you

How old are you?

What do you ride?

Tick all that apply

How long have you been riding?

Where do you skate / ride most often?

Tick one answer

What do you like to skate / ride most?

Tick one answer

What obstacles make the best skate parks?

Tick one answer

What is the best surface for a skatepark to be made from?

Tick one answer

What would you use a skate park for?

Tick all that apply

What other facilities, in your opinion, are needed at a skatepark?

Tick all that apply

How do you prefer to travel to a skatepark?

Tick all that apply

How far would you be prepared to travel to a superpark like this one?

Tick all that apply

What time(s) of the year would you use the park the most?

Tick all that apply

Covered park
Uncovered park

How important is it that a superpark is in the City Centre?

Tick one answer