Mostly in your City Centre
Mostly in your local village
Skatepark(s) (if so which one?)
Street (blocks, rails, stairs etc.)
Ramps (transitions, banks, vert etc.)
Variation of both
Casual / social use
Casual skating / riding
Demos by professionals
Competitive events
Secure fencing
Seating area
Bike racks
Food / drink / vending machine
CCTV cameras
Covered area
Security guard
Skate there
Ride a bike there
Walk there
Take the bus
Drive / get a lift
Take the train
To your City Centre
To another City
To another part of the country (more than 20 miles)
Not very important (I'd use it wherever it was located)
Important (It would be good to be near people / shops)
Very important (I wouldn't use it if it wasn't in the centre)